An advocate provides a liaison between the parent, student and the school for children in need of special services. From struggling in academics to behavior issues, if the school system is not working for you, an advocate will.
As an advocate, I work independently of the school system and am in no way, shape or form connected to them.
As your Advocate, I will attend IEP meetings, help acquire services and develop an improved IEP. As your Advocate, my job is to…
- Insure school staff treats you with the respect you deserve and listen to you.
- The school district complies with the laws that protect your child.
- Insure school personnel tell you the truth.
- Work with the school to create an inclusive IEP.
- Work with the school staff and district personnel take action.
- Teach you about your rights and the laws that protect you and your child such as FAPE and IDEA.
- Determine appropriate accommodations and modifications and insure they are included on your child’s IEP as well as followed by the school
- Have our child is evaluated by the school district free of charge to determine if they qualify for special education services
- Appropriate testing, if necessary for your child, is done by an outside private professional and paid for by the school district.